How To Become A Better Writer

Writing is a powerful tool. You can use it to communicate ideas, become more persuasive and get better jobs. By becoming a better writer, you improve your ability to connect with others and make your mark on the world.

It's easy to assume only professional writers can write well, but it's not true. Anyone can reach an advanced level. Like many skills, it requires time, effort, and plenty of patience.

In his hit book, Atomic Habits, James Clear uses an illustrative example to show the power of good habits. Imagine an ice cube sitting in the middle of a room. You turn the temperature of the room up by 1 degree. Nothing happens. The ice cube sits there. You turn the temperature up 1 more degree. Still nothing. The ice cube remains unaffected. You continue to turn the temperature up. 1 more degree. Nothing. Yet another degree. Nothing. But then, an increase of one single degree and the ice cube begins to melt. You no longer need to change the temperature, and the ice cube will melt completely.

Increasing the temperature had no impact until it reached the right temperature. The total effects of the work put in showed no impact on the ice cube until it reached its melting point. This is the way it works when we build habits to improve our writing abilities.

Whenever we start on a path to improve our writing skills, it might seem that no progress is being made. You're making progress, but it can remain invisible before becoming clear.

What are the steps we can take to begin this journey of mastering writing? Here are a few that will get you started.

How can I get better at writing?

Read often

The more you read, the wider variety of writing styles and techniques you will see. Follow the works of an author that you enjoy reading. Understand their writing style. Identify the elements of their writing that you like. You can learn from their strengths.

Choose several authors to inspire you. When you read different authors, you can try out their styles to find out which one works with your own style.

Authors who are good at storytelling will capture your attention. Adopt some of the storytelling methods into your own writing. It is also a chance to learn new words and phrases. Expand your vocabulary to better express yourself.

Write often

Work on raising the temperature of your ice cube daily by writing often. Take a pen and paper and scribble away. Take it up a notch and use an online journaling tool to keep you organised. It allows you to more easily read back what you've written before. The more you write, the better you will be.

Get timely feedback

Share your writing with family or friends, anyone that you know who is a good writer. Get feedback from many sources and combine the comments. Fix any concerns that come up often.

Ask your friend to give you detailed feedback. You can identify your strengths and weaknesses. It will also build your confidence as your writing improves over time.

When you put your written pieces in front of other people, it motivates you to always put your best foot forward. When you know someone will review your work, it will put a healthy amount of pressure on you. Each piece you produce will be your best effort.

Join a writing class

There are online and in-person writing classes and workshops available. There are also on-demand courses that you can take if you're too busy for a live writing class.

Working with the guidance of a writing tutor improves your writing abilities. These classes challenge you with more advanced writing assignments.

Join a writing group

Do you want the group setting without a teacher? Instead of a writing class, consider joining a writing group instead. Writing groups are informal groups of writers who get together online or in person. They share their writing experiences, review your work and give helpful feedback. A writing group has less pressure than a writing class. This is because of the informal nature and no grading from a teacher.

Use a writing tool

Use writing tools like Grammarly to automate the correction of your writing. These tools help with grammar, spelling and writing style. They are an ideal addition to using an online journal because of the browser extension.

Proofread and edit

You should always be the first critic of your own work! Read through each piece you write. Make sure your grammar and spelling are correct. Keep your style consistent. Ensure you made your point. The goal of writing is to inform and entertain, always keep that in mind. Read through the entire text once over and then go back through it a second time, fine-tuning as you go.

Congratulations on starting your journey towards better writing! It requires practice and patience, but it always pays off in the end. Boosting your writing ability is a worthwhile goal. The benefits will echo across your personal and professional life.

If you're looking for an online journal to get started writing today, look no further. Sign up now, our digital diary is ready for you.